
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

(Aaziza Imran, Faisalabad)

Green tea helps to digest the food, therefore take it many times in a day especially on the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” or at least take one cup of green tea after taking meals.


There is no doubt in the fact that on Eid-ul-Azha, acting upon the tradition of slaughtering is an honour but just offering a slaughter is not enough, we should take care of some other things as well. The most important thing which you all know is that don’t forget to divide the meat of offertory slaughter in three parts. One part is for your relatives, one part for deserved people and one is part for your family. Also remember that in this division, doing corruption in any means is not right such that choosing good meat for you and distributing the rest of the meat. Moreover on this festival take much care of cleanliness, not only keep your house neat and clean but also make sure the cleanliness of your streets and area. Don’t throw the wastes of the animals outside; place them properly so that the health of everyone must be maintained. Now come towards your health. In most of our families’ meat is eaten more with delight as compared to vegetables. Especially on the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” when there is abundance of meat then it is difficult to stop yourself from eating different delicious dishes. Try to eat the meat of offertory slaughter in moderate way. On this festival take care of few things.


Don’t eat meat in Abundance: It is a basic rule for hygienic health that doesn’t eat meat in abundance. The basic reason for this is that the vegetables and fruits digest more easily than the meat. By eating in large quantity the burden on your stomach increases.


Have walk: Walking on foot is essential for maintaining a good health but when there is a problem of digesting the heavy food then walk becomes more essential. For digesting the meat of offertory slaughter (Qurbani) go on walk in the early morning or at night so that your stomach should work properly and food becomes the part of body after digestion. If you are not habitual of walk then at least during Eid days include this in your routine.


Take meal on time: Not having punctuality in any matter is one of the big deficiencies of our society. Especially not following the time table for meal harms the health. On festivals we all follow this practice whereas on the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” we must take meal on time because the meat takes more time for digestion. By eating in different timings, our digestive system gets faulty resulting the illness.


Eat vegetables and fruits as well: Everybody knows the effectiveness of vegetables and fruits. Specialists recommend eating fruits and green vegetables on the festival of Eid. By doing this there will be a balance in your diet and there will be good effects on your health.


Don’t take cold drinks or use in less quantity: It is a common perception in our society that by drinking soft drinks the food is digested easily but this has been proved by experiments that the effect of cold drinks is temporary. After drinking we just feel that the burden on our stomach has been relieved for short time but actually cold drinks increase the acidity of stomach. Therefore on the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” not using the cold drinks is better or if there is compulsion then use in less quantity.


Use green tea: In the opinion of physicians using green tea is more beneficial for health as compared to cold drinks. Green tea helps to digest the food, therefore take it many times in a day especially on the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” or at least take one cup of green tea after taking meals. By this the speed of digestion will increase and it will help to keep your cholesterol on proper level.


Minimize the use of spice: The main cause of health problems is the use of spice in abundance. In most homes of our society spicy and peppery food is liked to eat which is harmful for health. On the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” the spicy Barbecue items and “Nehari” etc. are eaten and such food items increase the acidity of stomach.


Take suitable gaps between meals: There should be at least gap of six hours between two meals. Disturbing this gap can harm your health and the health of your family. Therefore on the pleasant festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” take proper care of this matter so that the health of whole family should be maintained and you could enjoy the happiness of this festival.


Homemade food: On the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” the meat is available in large quantity. It has been observed often that in most of our houses special dishes are get prepared from market by providing them this meat. This practice is not good because the hygiene of the dishes prepared from market is not sure. Therefore cook food yourself. Besides this on such festivals most of the families go to family hotels and restaurants, this thing also should be avoided because the hygiene of these places is also not sure.


Keep on doing your routine work: On the festival of “Eid-ul-Azha” it is recommended from expert physicians that don’t let your daily routine be disturbed and keep on doing your work as per routine. Otherwise on this festival it happens that food is taken more and taking rest is also preferred instead of doing work. In this situation the food digests late and health gets harm effects. Therefore act on the formula of “Blessing is in movement” so that your health remains good.


Increase in weight: The weight of many people increases in the result of eating meat on “Eid-ul-Azha”. Its reason is the presence of high cholesterol in meat. Therefore, if you want to maintain your health then don’t use more than 2000 calories in a day. It will be better if you divide these 2000 calories in 4 meals. Eat meat after boiling or barbecuing. Take dinner at least two hours before sleeping and also keep vegetables and salads in your plate along with meat. If you go on feast then take lemon juice or green tea after having meals. If you walk for 30 minutes after taking heavy diet then your weight can be controlled.


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